Be More Grateful For Your Partner

Research shows that gratitude builds more powerful connections, attachment, love and closeness. A study of couples found that people who took time to express gratitude for their partner felt more positive toward the other person and more comfortable communicating concerns about their relationship.

If you're in a relationship that has all the hallmarks of a wholesome relationship — mutual honesty, support and communication, that kind of thing — then it's high time to find some genuine appreciation and gratitude for your spouse and stop picking at them for the little things they don't do

because the key to improving a marriage is to show a little gratitude

Develop an attitude of gratitude: Below are a few points for creating gratefulness in your relationship:

  1. Simple effort to do everyday acts of kindness: hug your partner first thing in the morning & sit with them, bring your half a cup of tea, clean the kitchen, and praise them.
  2. Try to notice good things and show gratitude when your partner says or does something kind or thoughtful. Whether a small or large gesture, say thanks and what makes you grateful. How does your spouse meet your needs? 
  3. Write your spouse a love letter. Buy a card or cute paper and spend time writing down the things you love and value about your partner. (What attracted you to your partner when you first met? What do you appreciate most about them right now?

If you're more appreciative of your partner, you count on the fact that they will notice and feel more appreciative of you. "If our partner feels grateful for your good behaviour as well, then a positive cycle forms. Everybody is grateful & everybody behaves lovingly. Obviously, that's not a reason to be appreciative, but it is a nice side effect.


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