How to Be a Better Spouse

Few Points on how to Be a Better Spouse:

Listen well. Make space and consider what they’re saying rather than preparing for a response
Be curious. Deepen conversations by asking more questions.
Know them. Be open. Share your feelings, goals, celebratory achievements and pain points.
Be empathetic. Try to feel how they feel and respond appropriately. “That must have been hard.”
Give space when needed. More humble people recharge with their alone time. Understand and be respectful of that.
Be loyal. Keep their secrets and be their champion.
Be honest. Do your best to “show up” in whatever way you have committed to.
Know yourself. Be aware of your issues and notice if they come up in the relationship. Own your stuff.
Apologise. If you mess up, take responsibility. Repair your mistake to show them they matter and you can be vulnerable in this way.
Be there if the “you know what” hits the fan.
Smile. Humour is connecting, particularly for two people who appreciate the act of being funny and are receptive to it.


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