Ways to Make Marriage Happier.


Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—also is a life-long promise. It also provides a chance to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children. Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also a pure and loving union.
According to a survey 88% of Indians Cited love as a very important reason to get married
There are many factors that contribute to a pleasing marriage such as; Commitment, companionship, Time, Attention, Good Communication including Listening, Patience, Openness, Honesty, Honour, Sharing, Kindness, Willingness/Ability to Compromise.
All marriages move through rough patches. Here are ways to keep your marriage fresh.

1.  Appreciate your partner always
Appreciating the efforts of your half is Equally important after you've been married for many years Couples starting to become so familiar with each other that they settle in a comfortable routine which is not good for a relationship Satisfying Emotional Needs is of prime importance. An emotional need is a desire that, when completed, leaves a Spouse with a feeling of happiness and peace.
2. Keep score of all the positive things your partner does in a day and then thank them. Regularly calculating who had done what and playing tit for tat is childish and will do nothing but slice away at the trust and connection you've built with your spouse. Say thank you for the little things. Undoubtedly, they'll get the hint and do the same for you.

3. Mind your words and Be Kind.
There are many things you should never say to a spouse, "You always..." or "You never..." Think about it. Neither of these is true. If you start a sentence with these words your partner is certain to shut down or start a fight.
Think for a minute about what you really mean to say and then say that instead.
We take advantage of those we love the most probably because we know they love us and we can get away with it.
You have a bad day at the office and come home and take it out on your partner. A much better way is to start out each day by asking yourself, "What can I do today to make my partner happy?" And mean it.

4. Enjoy the silent; sometimes the best way to approach a problem is to just walk away from it as in seriously let it go. Not every Problem must be solved. Know that not every insult is intended. Practice letting go as much as you can. Forgive more. Forget more. Bite your tongue until the tip bleeds. And always, remember why you got married to this person.


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