The power of positive thinking in marriage

Successful marriages don’t happen by accident. They happen when both people are dedicated to creating a positive, nurturing, successful marriage where both spouses are valued and validated. This is an excellent message for anyone who is wondering how to make sure their marriage succeeds! Although not every marriage lasts eternally, there is plenty you can do to grow your marriage and increase its chances of success. One of the most powerful things you can do for your marriage is Have an Attitude of Gratitude.

Attitude Really Is Everything There’s a saying that attitude is everything and honestly. If you harbour feelings of resentment, anger, or animosity towards your partner, it’s much harder for your marriage to succeed.
Think of it this way: If you had a friend who constantly annoyed you or put you down, you wouldn’t want to be around that a person very much. On the other hand, if you had a friend who was always happy to see you and is fully supportive of you, you’d love being around that person, right?
The same is true for your partner. If you develop a positive attitude towards your spouse, your relationship will be closer, more honest, and more nurturing for both of you.

Look For the Good in Your Spouse, They say “that if you know someone very well you stop respecting” and really, sometimes in a marriage that is true. When you’ve been with someone for a while it’s all too easy to focus on all the things they do that annoy you. That feeling like you’ll scream if you have to pick up one more dirty sock, or Pickup wet towel from the bed. Most married people get that from time to time!
Always focus on the stuff you admire about your spouse. If they have a charming personality, amazing sense of humour or always supporting, notice that. Enjoy the wonderful meals they cook or the way they treat you in front of others and the way they love you when you both are together. Make an intentional decision to notice all the things you love about your spouse. A surprise text or cute note tucked into their lunch will make them smile, and remind them that they’re loved and valued.

Focus On Gratitude
Gratitude means thanks and appreciation. It’s hard to remember to be grateful for your partner when the bills are rising up, work is hectic, and the kitchen looks like a tornado whipped through it. You’re too focused on all the things that need doing. Prepare yourself to look for things to be thankful for about your partner. If they take a moment to make you a cup of coffee, cook dinner, or Bring a glass of water for you, notice it. Take note of their offerings in everyday chores. To have a positive effect on your spouse be glad you have such a great partner always be grateful that you are loved and blessed to have them in your life. Even better, tell them about it! Do tell them how much you appreciate their presence in your life.
Celebrate the little (and big) Things
Celebrating together is an excellent way to get you both focused on what’s good in your marriage. Don’t wait to celebrate the big things like a promotion or new home (although those things absolutely call for celebration as well, of course).
Take time to notice all the smaller good things that happen in a week or month. Maybe one of you got some great feedback at work or maybe you found a great Chicken recipe! We’re so used to looking for problems in life and skipping over the good stuff. Make it your business to look for all the good things, no matter how small, that are happening all the time. Then make your favourite meal and celebrate them with your partner. You can even get into the shared habit of Writing about things you both are grateful for and can exchange the notes.

It seems manageable, but practising positivity and gratitude is a great way to help your marriage succeed, so why not get started now?


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