Maintaining Peace of Mind & Love in a Relationship.

Maintaining Peace of Mind & Love in a Relationship
The love between two souls is really the greatest thing in life. 
Never let the feeling of love go. Love is all about sharing lives together. Relationships are not easy and one-sided. They reflect everything we feel about ourselves. When you have had a stressful day, the people around you seem difficult. When you’re not happy with yourself, your relationships seem to be wanting.
To feel positive, confident, strong, compassionate, and peaceful follow these ways:

1. Spend Me Time.
Everyone has individual needs, whether it’s going to the gym after work or taking some alone time on Evenings. Ease Into Alone Time. Get On Board With Those Hobbies, tell Yourself "This Is Good For Me" Get some fresh air – go for a walk and really enjoy nature or take a nap.
To feel whole and complete in your relationships first you have to fulfil yourself.

2. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
People who care about you want you to feel happy, even if sometimes they get too bound up in their own problems to show it well. Sometimes they may be hurtful but we’re all not angels. Give them their own time to get back at normal zone. They will bounce back with more love and compassion.

 3. Think before acting on emotion.
This one is the toughest for me. As soon as I feel unhappy, frustrated, or irritated, I want to do something with it—which is always a bad idea. I’ve realized my first impulsive reaction does not always reflect how I really feel about something. Initially, I might feel angry, but once I calm down and think things through, I often realize I overreacted.
When you feel a strong emotion, try to be calm and sit for a while. Just feel it and don't run from it. When you observe and analyze your feelings, before acting on them, you minimize the negativity before putting them on someone else and deal with feelings and you communicate in a way that encourages them to stay open instead of shutting down.

4. Enjoy their company more than their approval.
You don't need someone's approval, Its a relationship of two people and not one doing everything for both. This is tiring for another person, and it creates an unbalanced relationship.
If you are doing things for pleasing someone else or for their approval, Instead of focusing on what you can get from that person, focus on enjoying yourselves together. The best thing is to give yourself the freedom to smile

5. Look at yourself for the problem first.
It is Easy to find flaws in a relationship when you are unhappy and you will start blaming them for everything. For beginners, it gives them all the control. And secondly, it usually doesn’t solve the problem, since you didn’t actually address the root cause. Ask yourself first if something needs to be done at your side before blaming someone else. Take responsibility for the problem and you have the power to create a solution.

What's your way of creating peaceful, loving relationships?


  1. Some very key points have been mentioned here however, when disputes begin to happen as is normal among couples, I would like your opinion with regards to specific circumstances.
    A coupe are separated in a long distance relationship and the man is beginning to feel their intimacy fading. I would appreciate your comment on this.
    Thanks a lot.


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